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Returnees & Alumni

Welcome back study abroad returnees and UC San Diego alumni!

Study Abroad alumni


Returnees have returned from studying abroad and are still students at UC San Diego.

Explore Opportunities!


Alumni have graduated and are representing us out in the world.

Stay Connected!

STARS - study abroad returnee ambassador program

Be a Star & Share Your Story

Become a STAR! Study Abroad Returnee Ambassadors, or STARS, volunteer at Study Abroad UC San Diego as peer ambassadors to encourage prospective students to study abroad. If your study abroad experience was amazing, then share your story!


get - globally engaged tritons

GET Involved with Globally Engaged Tritons

Looking to stay involved globally now that you have returned from study abroad? Learn more about UC San Diego's globally-themed events, activities and opportunities through Globally Engaged Tritons (GET).


elevate your employability video

Elevate Your Employability

Watch a video recording to learn from staff at Study Abroad and the Career Center on how Study Abroad can enhance your employability skills and support your career development goals!

Job Hunt